10 Things We Learned Recruiting for Hyperhidrosis Clinical Trials

It may come as no surprise that clinical trials are extremely difficult to fill. The results of a recent study showed that 11% of sites fail to enroll even one patient and 37% do not meet their enrollment goals. And these rates can increase when you look at clinical trials involving rare conditions, such as hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating). Although the disease is underreported and underdiagnosed, we’ve been able to successfully enroll several hyperhidrosis studies efficiently and cost effectively. In this post, we’ll provide 10 things that we learned recruiting patients for hyperhidrosis clinical trials, and how it applies to our overall patient recruitment approach.

1. Social media worked well

We found that social media advertising was very effective in recruiting patients with hyperhidrosis. With about 15.3 million people in the U.S. suffering from hyperhidrosis, we were able to reach this large demographic with targeted advertisements. Our ads relied on the visual aesthetics of the condition, and content was tailored accordingly to reach different audiences on the differing social platforms.

2. Patient advocacy groups were helpful

Partnering with patient advocacy groups (PAG) gave us an opportunity to reach a concentrated pool of potential patients through a trusted source. Since PAG’s, like the International Hyperhidrosis Society, offer a personalized or human perspective into the patient journey, they were able to communicate our message across a far-reaching network with patient-centricity at the core. Furthermore, PAG’s were crucial in bridging the gap in communication between the sponsor and the patient.

3. Animated illustrations we’re effective

Keeping up with content marketing trends, we learned that animated illustrations were very effective (increased engagement) in adult and adolescent advertisements. We attribute the success of animated illustration to their eye-catching nature, positive emotional appeal, and ability to communicate oftentimes complex medical information in a more compact, approachable manner.

4. Communicating safety was important for the adolescent population

It’s common for people to be hesitant about joining clinical trials due to a lack- or mis-understanding of how clinical research is conducted, especially among pediatric populations. Parents may be wary of allowing their children to partake in a clinical trial. That’s why we focused a lot of energy into clinical research education. We provided ample information on the IRB, described the safety procedures in place to protect the health of participants, and explained that patients would see health professionals who are educated in hyperhidrosis and the potential risks of participating.

5. Empathetic communication was key

We recognized the importance of connecting with hyperhidrosis patients on a human level and to build trust with the patient. We accomplished this via numerous avenues, including:

  • Demonstrating we understand their condition and how it affects their daily lives. Throughout our messaging, we emphasized the discomfort hyperhidrosis causes patients.

  • Avoiding medical jargon. By explaining steps and procedures in colloquial terms, we see an increase in engagement.

  • Sharing research site contact information with the patient. That way patients could take the initiative to talk with research site staff.

6. Hyperhidrosis patients are looking for treatment

Unfortunately, there aren’t many non-invasive or affordable treatments currently available on the market for hyperhidrosis patients. Millions of people are left without help dealing with a condition that can negatively impact their social and professional lifestyles, as well as thier mental and emotional health. As a result, we discovered that the demographic was overall very interested in participating in a clinical trial with a potential new topical treatment.

7. There are a lot of undiagnosed hyperhidrosis patients

Of the 15.3 million individuals with hyperhidrosis, only 27% will be diagnosed by a healthcare professional. We learned that many healthcare professionals are unaware that hyperhidrosis is a real, diagnosable condition, and it’s not ‘just sweat’. For the same reason, hyperhidrosis is also underreported by patients. These stats fueled our efforts to not only recruit patients for clinical trials, but also work to increase patient and physician awareness about the disease and encourage open conversations about its impact. 

8. The majority of people signing up for study were women in their 30’s

The main demographic that signed up for hyperhidrosis clinical trials were women in their 30’s. We also found that women are also most likely to sign up their children or family members for these trials.  

9. Hyperhidrosis is EXCESSIVE sweating

Prior to recruiting for clinical trials, we took the time to educate ourselves about the physical characteristics of hyperhidrosis and its effect on those suffering from the condition. We were surprised to learn that hyperhidrosis sufferers aren’t just dealing with a little bit of extra sweat compared to the average person. Their excessive sweating is extreme, causing them to change their clothes multiple times a day and carry around towels or tissues everywhere they go no matter what the temperature is.

10. Hyperhidrosis can impact anyone

Through our patient research, we learned that hyperhidrosis can affect anyone. With this in mind, we ensured that all of our content and messaging reflected and spoke to people of all ages, genders, and ethnicities. For example, several of our hyperhidrosis flyers were printed in spanish to ensure the large hispanic population with hyperhidrosis was not excluded from participating in the clinical trials. This is aligned with our company value ‘Inclusivity’, which we believe should be applied to all clinical trials to help ensure the safety and effectiveness of drugs for everyone. 


There are several challenges when it comes to recruiting patients for lesser-known conditions like hyperhidrosis. We were able to overcome these challenges by applying our healthcare IT and marketing skills, becoming experts on hyperhidrosis and how it impacts those living with it, and constantly tinkering our approach along the way towards what was working best.

Learn More about how we create patient-centric clinial trials

Why Patient-Centricity is Key to Clinical Trial Success

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