Celebrating National Clinical Trial Day: Honoring the Research Sites that Change Lives

On May 20th, we come together to celebrate National Clinical Trial Day and pay tribute to the remarkable research sites and study teams that work tirelessly to advance medical breakthroughs. This day is a testament to the power of collaboration, dedication, and the pursuit of shared goals. As we honor the impact of clinical trials, let us recognize the unwavering commitment of the research community to improve patients' lives.

The Power of Togetherness

The full potential of clinical research can only be realized when we unite, embrace diverse perspectives, and strive towards common objectives. By working together, we unlock new possibilities and drive meaningful progress. On this Clinical Trials Day, we gather in the spirit of togetherness to celebrate our collective achievements and reaffirm our commitment to pushing boundaries. Together, we can change the world.

A Superpower to Improve Lives

Clinical trials and the study teams behind them possess a remarkable superpower: the ability to enhance the lives of patients. Their unwavering dedication deserves recognition and celebration. Today, we raise our voices to promote the power of our profession and highlight the tremendous impact it has on individuals and communities.

Commitment to Excellence

In the world of clinical research, the pursuit of excellence knows no bounds. We continuously strive to deliver therapies more efficiently and ensure the utmost patient protection. Let us collectively commit to being the best of the best, always pushing the boundaries of what is possible.

Advocating for Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Access

To improve representation in clinical trials, we must champion diversity, equity, inclusion, and access. By embracing different backgrounds, perspectives, and identities, we create a more inclusive research landscape that truly reflects the diverse population we aim to serve. Stand with us in advancing these crucial values in clinical research.

Inspiring the Next Generation

Clinical trials require a passionate and diverse workforce dedicated to making a difference. Share your story and inspire the next generation of clinical research professionals. By showcasing the meaningful impact of our work, we encourage others to join this noble pursuit and contribute to the future of healthcare.

About Clinical Trials Day

Since 2014, Clinical Trials Day has served as a joyous occasion for the clinical research community to reflect on the accomplishments achieved through clinical trials. It is a day of recognition, celebration, and appreciation for the transformative medicines, therapies, and longer, healthier lives they have brought forth.

Get Involved and Celebrate

Join the celebration by accessing ACRP's Clinical Trials Day kits, packed with selfie signs, posters, social media images, and more. These resources allow you to engage your teams, both online and in the office, as we collectively commemorate this significant day. Together, let us inspire and empower one another.

Why May 20th?

National Clinical Trial Day is celebrated in May to honor the pioneering work of James Lind, a ship's surgeon in the British Royal Navy. On May 20, 1774, Lind conducted what is considered the first randomized clinical trial, studying the effects of different treatments on scurvy in sailors. This historic event marked the beginning of clinical research as we know it today.

Concluding Remarks

As we observe National Clinical Trial Day, let us express our deep gratitude to the research sites and study teams for their unwavering dedication to advancing medical knowledge and improving patient outcomes. Together, we honor their remarkable achievements and commit ourselves to even greater progress in the pursuit of a healthier and brighter future.To learn more about the history of clinical trials, the impact of the clinical research profession, and how to embark on a career in this field, explore the valuable resources provided by ACRP and their commitment to advancing clinical research.


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