Q&A with One of the Top 25 Most Influential Young Professionals

Clinically Media’s own CEO, Victoria Donovan, was named one of ColoradoBiz Magazine’s GenXYZ Top 25 Most Influential Young Professionals! Jon Haubert, Publisher at ColoradoBiz magazine says it best, “ColoradoBiz magazine is focused on recognizing and celebrating the individuals who are pushing boundaries and making the greatest impact in their respective industries, and in Colorado. Victoria and her team at Clinically Media clearly fit that description and were an obvious choice for the Top 25…” Continue reading on Colorado Biz Magazine's website. 

Victoria received her award at the ceremony on Thursday June 9, 2022.

Below is a quick Q & A with Victoria on why she received this award and how she is changing the game in clinical research.

How have you reinvented or redefined patient recruitment and retention in the biopharma space?

Approximately 25% of drugs make it past Phase 3, according to a U.S. Food and Drug Administration report, and around 86% of clinical trials do not reach their patient enrollment timelines, according to a University of Pennsylvania study. I set out to improve these numbers with my company, Clinically Media. Beyond that, I am reinventing how patient recruitment and retention is done. I aim to not only advance medicine and improve patient outcomes but also bring diversity and inclusion to the forefront of clinical research and streamline processes with cutting-edge technology.

Can you tell us about your innovative portal technology?

I am constantly asking myself how I can make everyone’s experience in drug development more pleasant. So, when faced with the issue of tracking patients in the clinical trial funnel, I took the opportunity to launch Clinically Portal. Clinically Portal is my proprietary software designed to help research sites track patients as they move through the enrollment process, while giving my team and clients invaluable insights into recruitment campaign success. I am continually evolving the software and services Clinically Portal offers to provide the most valuable product to patients and industry professionals.

What’s your greatest achievement?

One of my greatest achievements is definitely building Clinically Media and our team. Together, we are shaping the future of clinical research, by supporting women in business and the life sciences, contributing to scientific advancements, and promoting diversity in clinical research and beyond. From leading and expanding the Clinically Media team, I am proud to say we are directly contributing to the development of new treatment options for millions of patients. At the end of the day, that’s my goal because more clinical research means more patients served.

How do you get involved in the community?

In 2022, I launched Clinically Media’s Give Back Initiative, a program to help fund and progress the science behind the projects and partners with whom we work. For every contract signed, Clinically Media donates 1% of profits toward the research of that condition. The Clinically Media team and I also gave food items to a local homeless shelter and donated to Women Who Code Boulder/Denver on Colorado Gives Day to support women in male-dominated industries. Additionally, the Clinically Media team and I volunteer at local organizations on company service days.

How do you demonstrate civic-mindedness?

That’s really the foundation for my entire business. As a patient recruitment and retention agency, Clinically Media is furthering clinical research and improving patient outcomes. In 2021 alone, I led the team to successfully bring multiple drugs through the clinical research funnel, connecting thousands of patients with new potential treatments and advancing medicine. Clinically Media also recognizes the history of clinical trials excluding women, low-income communities, people of color, LGBTQIA communities, and other marginalized groups. My team and I strive to educate, uplift, and connect patients of all identities to groundbreaking new therapies by making clinical trials more accessible. This includes efforts like a partnership with Uber Health, and building diverse and inclusive outreach campaigns.

Read more about the award on our Press Release



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Clinically Media’s CEO Selected as Top 25 Most Influential Young Professionals