Case Studies

Atopic Dermatitis Patient Recruitment
Clinically Media embarked on an innovative digital recruitment campaign to address the challenges of recruiting a diverse patient population for an Atopic Dermatitis clinical trial.

Supporting Osteoarthritis Enrollment Efforts for Potential Treatments
Clinically Media leverages several advantageous partnerships. Our external Ad Team played a crucial role in supporting enrollment for a large-scale, global CRO investigating a potential treatment for osteoarthritis within a US-based study, serving up to 25 research sites.

Supporting Alzheimer's Enrollment Efforts for Potential Treatments
Clinically Media leverages several advantageous partnerships. Our external Ad Team played a crucialrole in supporting enrollment for a large-scale, global CRO investigating a potential treatment for Alzheimer's disease. Our Ad Team served up to 25 research sites in this US-based study.

Supporting Migraine Enrollment Efforts for Potential Treatments
Clinically Media leverages several advantageous partnerships. Our external Ad Team has played a crucial role in supporting enrollment for several large-scale, global CROs investigating potential treatments for migraine across US-based studies.

Egret Therapeutics SEO: Enhancing Fundraising Efforts
Clinically Media, a healthcare marketing agency that offers SEO services, was tasked with optimizing the Egret Therapeutics website. Egret Therapeutics is a clinical-stage biotechnology company focused on developing transformativetherapies for neurological conditions that required an overhaul of its search engine optimization (SEO) efforts to improve visibility and maximize fundraising efforts.

Visual Rebrand for Brickell Biotech
The Clinically Media team brought Brickell’s new brand to life with a focus on a modern visual portfolio to reflect the company’s values.

Neuraly PRISM Study, Early Stage Parkinson’s
Clinically Media implemented a research site re-engagement program and Google Ads for the PRISM early stage Parkinson's study.

Hidradenitis Suppurativa Patient Recruitment
Clinically Media played a crucial role in supporting enrollment for a single research site investigating a potential treatment for hidradenitis suppurativa (HS).

Brickell Biotech 2021 Paid Marketing Report & Analytics
Clinically Media played a crucial role in expanding Brickell Biotech’s socialmedia presence and follower base via paid and organic social mediamarketing.

Melasma and Photodamage Patient Recruitment
Clinically Media was instrumental in enrolling a single-site study researching the effects of sunscreen on patients with melasma or photodamage.

Sahara Pivotal Axillary Hyperhidrosis Study Patient Recruitment
Clinically Media enrolled a Pivotal axillary hyperhidrosis study ahead of schedule. Clinically Media is a group of patient recruitment and retention professionals devoted to empowering individuals to participate in clinical research.

Psoriasis, Nail Psoriasis and Plaque Psoriasis Patient Recruitment
Clinically Media provides unique, data-based solutions to meet each study’s enrollment goal. Clinically Media assisted in enrollment for separate indications of psoriasis. These different indications involved working alongside different research sites.

Brickell Biotech Phase III Primary Axillary Hyperhidrosis Study
Clinically Media enrolled two parallel Phase 3 primary axillary hyperhidrosis studies on schedule. Clinically Media is a group of patient recruitment and retention professionals devoted to empowering individuals to participate in clinical research.